a gaggle of penguins!

I’ve been a busy bee this afternoon! Typing up listings, finishing up a couple photos to be taken (because like the silly goose I am, I totally forgot to photograph two products!), and generally trying to get my little ducks in a row (though they really are a rambunctious bunch that refuse to stand in a straight line!). The Shoppe has been updated with all manner of new goodies… so please feel free to go take a peek!

But I have some absolutely wonderful news (at least I think so)! The amazing Lisa of CraftBoom! and U-Handbag did a very nice review of my Shoppe! Thank you Lisa, this was quite a pleasant and unexpected surprise! I’m just so humbled and grateful to all the lovely press my Shoppe has been getting. It just warms my heart so much and gives me incentive to keep creating and showing my work.

an artistic sort of whale...

In other news I am busily doing sketches in my spare moments (the last few days thats meant about 11pm!). Sketches for what? you might ask. Well, I’d love to do some holiday cards (or postcards, as its looking, since getting cards printed is so expensive!) to send to family and friends. My list keeps growing every year by leaps and bounds, and I figure if I plan on doing this, the cards have to be ordered by the middle of this month. I’ve been coming up with a number of ideas, most of which are pulled from my love of antique illustration and sign lettering. I’ll post the results later this week.

Forgive me that this post is not more exciting, I am so tired right now I can barely keep my eyelids propped up! I hope you all are having a lovely evening… I’m off to relax a bit!

Cheers & Creativity,
Casey [ email me ]